Smoke Fired Clay Work
Created in the Wabi-sabi style

Kintsukuroi/Wabi-sabi style. Hand carved shapeshifting totem animals. A deer horn is broken off at tip. Size: It's about 12 to 14" high. It's built up from a bowl base that's not showing in this photo.
Designer Plate
This is the plate that was created during the YouTube Smoke Firing Video Tutorial.
In stock. Ready to be shipped. Place in a plate bracket for wall hanging or in a plate stand for horizontal surfaces. Holder not included.
Wolf and Cat Masks with Feathers - Sold Out
These were a popular item at Schenectady Museum's former fine craft gallery.
Phoenix Vessel
This was also One-Of-A-Kind (OOAK). Limited edition cc's of these were sold at Albany International Airport's DeARTure store featuring fine crafts from area museums. Metallic "gold" highlights were added by rubbing and painting with a paintbrush.
Incense Holder Tray
Panther Mask with Turkey Feather Headress - Sold
This was One-Of-A-Kind (OOAK). Burnished, line designs painted with terra sigillata, turkey feather headdresss. It was sold at Schenectady Museum's former fine craft gallery.
OOAK Jaguar/Panther Mask
One-Of-A-Kind (OOAK). Smoke fired, then hand painted with metallic gold paint. Contact me if interested.
For any work that has sold out, please send inquiry if interested in having a reproduction made for you.