Italian Coast Castle - My Contest Entry

This photo reproduction was taken just after I completed this fresco painting, my entry in the Bella Vita contest. Still wet. Colors lightened as it dried and changed to more subtle hues. Dried version was donated to the Troy, NY Italian Community Center.
***Some of the pictures on my website may not have a copyright symbol showing on them, but whether or not they have it, they are copyrighted. It's a long process to redo each of them to show the copyright. I edit them as time permits. The copyright symbol will not cover over a large area of your print or original painting purchases as it does for some pictures on this website. I endeavor to earn income from them due to the way the monetary structure exists in our world in these times. I've created my artwork for everyone's enjoyment, but because I'm subject to the monetary structure's rules, I'm forced to reserve the viewer's rights to use it in any way. I'm always thankful and appreciative if anyone wants to share links to my website and purchase or send friends and family here to purchase. Please credit me for my artwork to which you refer for any reason. And please ask first if you have a special use for it in mind. Thanks for your interest, and for understanding the need for artists to copyright their work.***
Artist StatementClick on the File at left to see the full text of my Artist Statement which appeared in the promo booklet on this project. The booklet was published in august, 2012, and all known copies have been distributed to the public. It shows each fresco, ads by our supporters, and a map of where the frescos were on display in downtown Troy.